Aleph Community

Aleph Community

Node Forge established an official partnership with the Aleph Network Project in Q1 2019. Aleph’s core mission is to help decentralized applications and protocols strip off the centralized parts of their stack to achieve a fully decentralized architecture.

Visit Aleph's Official website at: https://aleph.im/#/

Aleph's Node and Staking Network: https://account.aleph.im/#/

Node Forge Engagement

Node Forge remains engaged with Aleph developers in planning the deployment and provisioning of Aleph nodes on its network. Aleph's official public launch was in Q4 2020.


Aleph Article Series announcing Node Forge turnkey hosting (Medium Link)


Aleph reaffirms Node Forge Partnership for network support (Twitter Link)


Aleph Core Channel Node product goes live for $299.99 (Twitter Link)


Node Forge sponsors two Aleph Core Channel Nodes, nodeforge.io and nodeforge.ii. Nodes open to the public for staking.

01/18/2022Aleph Compute Resource Node product goes live for $154.99 (Twitter Link)
01/28/2022Node Forge sponsors six Aleph Compute Resource Nodes, nodeforge.crn.inodeforge.crn.iinodeforge.crn.iiinodeforge.crn.ivnodeforge.crn.v and nodeforge.crn.vi.

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